on May 28, 2013, Updated Sep 08, 2021 41 Comments Chocolate Pancakes. Mmmmmm. If these are wrong, please don’t tell me. I just don’t want to know if they are! Sam would most likely say the same since he’s the one that requests them time and again. That and his chocolate chip waffles. He’d eat them every day if I let him. Which I don’t, but you know what I mean. Anyway, it sure is a good thing they are so simple to make. Serve them with a bit of delicious maple syrup and you are good to go. Of course, serving them with fresh fruit, a dollop of whipped cream and some chocolate syrup wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Whatever floats your boat. Here’s my Chocolate Pancakes Recipe. If you are a chocolate lover, you might as well start the day of right. Right? Love ya bunches, Robyn xoxo

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